

Bill 31: Lease Assignment and Subletting

Projet de loi 31 : C'est quoi? Après plus de huit mois de débats intenses, le projet de loi 31 a été adopté en février dernier(2024) à l'Assemblée nationale du Québec. Cette adoption survient dans un climat de crise du logement qui continue de s'aggraver. Vous avez fort probablement entendu parler de ce nouveau règlement sur les réseaux sociaux ou dans les médias traditionnels, mais en...


Optimize your property management: Strategies and solutions

When you're new to the world of real estate, it can be tempting to take charge of managing your properties yourself. This approach offers a sense of control and the promise of savings. However, it is crucial to recognize that property management is fraught with challenges that require in-depth understanding and constant attention. From tenant selection to...


Why put your buildings under management?

In the ever-changing real estate industry, property management can be a daunting task. If you own real estate, you may have considered putting it into management. In this article, we will answer several key questions regarding property management. What is property management? What is property management...

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